Sku Vs Serial Number

What does the

Note that the below model codes refer to models sold in the UK. Please refer to your Samsung local website for information on model codes sold outside the UK. Using model UE55F8000AFXZ as an example we can see that: U = LED. E = Produced for Europe. 55 = Screen size (in inches) F = Manufactured in 2013. 8000 = Series. Jul 9, 2018 - Lot and serial numbers are both used frequently to track products, but there is an important difference between lots and serial numbers. An SKU is not the same as a product model number from a manufacturer, although the model number could form all or part of the SKU. The SKU is established by the merchant.

7 mean on an i7? What does the k stand for at the end of the i7 4790k?
So, firstly, i3, i5 and i7. What do the numbers mean? Good, better, best?
Generally speaking, yes, i3 is for general use (like web browsing), i5 is for gaming, and i7 is for professional use (like video editing)
But what do the numbers mean?
According to Intel, (as far as I could find out), the 3, 5 and 7 are simply brand modifiers, meaning that they simply are there to identify a certain product range.
Next, what does the first digit mean? For example, what does the 4 mean on an i3 4160?
Usually, one would say that this simply refers to the generation of the product. So, the i3 4160 is a fourth generation CPU from Intel, right? Not exactly.
It is actually the fourth generation compared to a micro-architecture called Clarkdale (for desktops) and Arrandale (for laptops).
To learn exactly why this was the first gen CPU, read this article.
tl;dr --> it is the first CPU to have integrated graphics (although at the time, it was simply another graphics core added to CPU, not the CPU itself doing some graphics processing)
Moving on, what do following three digits mean?
According to Intel, they are something called SKU Numeric Digits.Sku Vs Serial Number

Sku Vs Serial Number 1

But, what does that mean?

    SKU or Stock Keeping Unit is usually a string of numbers and alphabets used by the manufacturer to identify their product. In certain cases, this may be industry wide, but here, this line of numbers is only used by Intel.

Simply put, it is the model number of the product.
But, why those numbers? Why don't they use any other number?
The reason for that is that the purpose of a stock keeping unit is so that they could easily track their inventory. It's like the ISBN number of a book. It is much easier to manage books on a database using numbers rather than using the title.
So, whether or not they have a specific reasoning behind those numbers, it is not for us (the end user) to know as it only complicates things further.
Next, the letters following the digits.
Intel has made a guide on what all those letters mean here.
Nevertheless, I have listed here all the suffixes for Skylake:
For desktop processors,

    1. k means that the multiplier on that CPU is unlocked, meaning that now, the CPU could be overclocked.
    2. T refers to the CPU being power optimized. According to ArsTechnica, these types of CPU's have a lower TDP, meaning that they put out less heat, which (usually) means that they consume less power. This is (usually) is a result of a lowered clock speed.

Next, for mobile processors,

    1. H means that that CPU has,4388.htmlhigh performance graphics. This means that it has a (relatively) powerful integrated graphics.
    2. HK means that this cpu has high performance graphics and an unlocked multiplier. However, there's been only 1 CPU ever released in this line: Core i7-6820HK.
    3. HQ refers to the high performance graphics and quad core nature of the CPU.
    4. U simply means that this CPU consumes Ultra-low power.

Finally, for Xeons:

    1. M refers to the nature of this CPU being mobile. Although it is a Xeon, it as actually a Skylake H series processor with some of the features enabled, like access to ECC ram and Thunderbolt 3. Learn more about it here.

Thank you for reading.

Sku Vs Item Number